today has been lovely. german went well, even though the electricity went out right in the middle of the tapework. it came back on thankfully, but it was a bit of an impromptu class. frau maggio forgot that it was activity day too. oh well.
tomorrow we are going to help some people move and then we're either going to go home and clean house, or go to the apple festival, or go on a hike, or pick blueberries...or something.
dancing tonight was absolutely wonderful. the ballroom is big and there are mirrors lining two sides of it. along the tops of the mirrors and across the other walls are lights like christmas lights, but they are bigger, or more powerful or something. they give off more light anyway. the floor is polished hardwood. oak maybe. it's very light. there's a disco ball in the middle of the room, but they way they light it, it gives the room more style rather than less. add all that to dancing the cha-cha with one of your favorite people and it makes for a lovely evening.
created at 10:28 PM
i just discovered that my right leg is sore from driving so much. the other day (right after i ran out of gas on the side of the road) i reset my tripmeter and found out that between monday at 1:30pm and tuesday at 2:30pm i drive onehundredandtwentytwo miles. over the course of a week i drive something like threehundred, if i don't go anywhere but grace and abtech. most of that driving time is alone, which used to bother me really badly, but lately i've been enjoying it. it gives me time to just chill between school and stuff, and lately my thoughts haven't been taking me bad places.
algebra was actually good today. it's beginning to frighten me just a bit: i'm actually enjoying algebra more than i am german. that may be because i don't have to work with people in algebra. just numbers. it's really kind of nice. and karma doesn't laugh at you when you ask stupid questions.
in the lion, the witch and the wardrobe, there was this song that was played at the beginning of the play, the part where the lights came up on the groups of people that were standing stock still. i had never heard that music before then, and until this morning on the way to algebra, i hadn't heard it since. but then, just as i was getting off of 40 and onto 25, that music came on the radio and it brought me straight back to that play. i really rather miss the theatre. i'm going to audition for the magician's nephew...i hope i get in.
burning question of the day(week, month...lifetime): what am i going to be when i grow up?
hey guys, remember, no matter how bad it gets, it's going to be better on the other side.
life is good
created at 9:39 PM
hmph. i was doing just fine until just about five minutes ago when i was reading someone else's blog and now i miss him like crazy.
due to contact with someone that i know that is sick, i am now beginning to get sick myself. (i'm not complaining...it's worth it to be sick to be around...this person.) not bad, but it's just that feeling like "ooh, i'm going to get sick soon..." and, after an entire summer of not thinking, i have jumped into drama, german, bio2 and algebra. my brain isn't used to that kind of excercise and i think i've pulled something. thankfully, all of my teachers are good and i'm actually enjoying all of this. besides: after just one week of my superexpensive calculator, i know how to use it well enough to surprise the teacher. but, mein deutsch Partner ist sehr langweilig.
to go to college next year or not...i don't know.
i went dancing last friday night. it was absolutely lovely, although there were a few times when i had to get "my happy face on." but i learned how to samba, cha-cha and foxtrot and i taught someone how to swing AND they played wonderful world. yep. it was good.
everything is changing and i want it to stop, but i know that on the other side of that change, things are going to be better.
i want to runrunrunrunrun and never come back, and at the same time i'm not willing to leave.
created at 2:41 PM
well. i just want you to know that officially, i have quit blogging. i may (read: probably will) continue to post on here from time to time, but officially, i have stopped.
that's all.
created at 9:41 PM